Layer bands have become popular amongst many stylists and also with Holistic Therapists and Nutritionists. This clever accessory gives the effect that you are wearing another layer under your top. The high quality yarn used creates comfort and streamlines the silhouette whilst adding a pop of colour to an outfit. The bands are also proving popular with women for the comfort and support they provide during certain times in their menstrual cycle. The bands are fantastic for those who suffer from bloating as they gently support the tummy and lower back. The bands protect the fragile area at the base of the back and keeps your core warm and boost circulation, which then supports your kidney and liver. Remember when your Granny use to tell you to keep your kidneys warm if you want to keep well. Layer bands do just that!
Chinese Medicine Practitioners recommend the Layer bands to clients as they provide warmth for the kidneys otherwise known as the lower jiao. This is especially important for fertility to keep the womb, abdomen and kidneys warm to help with ovulation and implantation. Layer bands are also proving popular with those who are loving the benefits of castor oil packs. Castor oil packs support relaxation and can help to manage stress levels whilst supporting liver function. Layer bands work well by putting them over the castor oil packs to provide support and comfort to the area.
Emma J,Holistic Therapists of Kore Therapys loves wearing her Layer band and she said
“The layer band is a fabulous addition to my wardrobe, not only does it bring old unworn items back to life from my wardrobe but its brings added support and comfort for those who suffer from bloating, lower back pain, menstrual discomfort and much more. As the Layer band sits comfortably around the abdomen area it can help support the organ system benefiting the kidney and bladder meridians. I love to pop a heat pack into mine which gives me even more comfort”
Rachael Bennett, stylist, owner and designer of the Layer bands says
“I love that the bands are multi use and are helping women with issues such as bloating and helping them feel relaxed and supported whilst feeling more confident.”
So, who knew that a band designed to flatter women’s shapes can provide them with benefits to support their health and wellness.
Layer Clothing make no medical claims.